My Commission Expires: June 25, 2020, Acting in Oakland County. Dear Click or tap here to enter text.This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your grievance on (date) regarding services you received from (name provider). Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. I certify that I am the Applicant and that the information submitted with this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. This document provides guidance on completing acknowledgement letters for different types of notices under the Party Wall etc Act 1996. Complete Institutional Review Board (IRB) application and IRB letter of approval. c. Signed OCC Acknowledgement and Approval Agreement. d. Owner(s) to complete Swale Acknowledgement form in its entirety and have signature(s) notarized. 2.