Probationary periods in state service are either six (6) or twelve (12) months, depending on the classification. Candidate: A person whose application for employment has been accepted as meeting the minimum qualifications and general requirements for.It's up to the employer - you should ask them. Be aware that they may be unwilling to do this until you pass the background check. First check your conditions, as your probation may be "Terminate upon completion" meaning your time ends when you meet all special conditions. In the case of second-year probationary employees, the superintendent shall give 30 days written notice, not later than March 15. An employment agreement probationary period is the word that describes the beginning stage of a task where an employer checks if an employee is fit for a job. Question: If I get put on probation, does my employer have to know? It would be advisable that you inform of your status, yes. Benefits, state or federal law, application for employment, or required as part of a.