Generally a job offer letter will show your new salary and that will help that you will be financially able to pay rent. There may come a time when an employee needs a proof of income letter to secure a loan or rent an apartment.Here's a template and what you should include. This booklet explains many of these laws you need to know and provides resources where you can find more information about landlord and tenant issues. You need a letter of employment to get an apartment so that you can prove to the landlord that you are employed. The mission of the Department of Social Services is to provide financial assistance and support services to eligible Suffolk County residents. You may be able to get cash help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, are getting less pay from your job, or had another emergency. Learn the key elements of a successful apartment offer letter, including job details, rental history, and ways to stand out to landlords. If your landlord doesn't give you this receipt within 14 days of moving out, then they must return your entire security deposit, whether there is damage or not.