An employee who does not have permanent state status must serve a probationary period when appointed to a permanent position, including open. Next subsection, if the position is based on a probationary period enter that period of time here.For example, you may enter 3 months or 30 days. Once you sign offer letter they will issue letter of probation. Which indicates how many months you'll be in probation period. Everyone is suggesting to submit the letter for the job offer as proof of income, so I'll probably try that. It is likely that your employee handbook says that the probationary period is still subject to the provisions of At Will employment. There is no probationary period nor attainment of permanent employment status for persons employed in professional staff positions. Access the most up-to-date revision of Washington Employment Application Form • Edit, complete, and send online • Sizable list of legal documents and forms. Much Faster – Many employers can take a week or more to fill out a request for verification of employment or income.