Generally a job offer letter will show your new salary and that will help that you will be financially able to pay rent. Is using a job offer letter for proof of income to rent an apartment illegal if i have no i Intention of taking the job?Filling out a rental application accurately and professionally is one way to make a positive first impression with a landlord. The owner offers to lease commercial premises located at a specific address to the bank. The 3-4 sentence letter provides key details about the property. A landlord may ask you to fill out a rental application. Learn how to fill out a rental application, what information is required, and what you will need to provide to secure your next place. There are a few legal reasons why you can reject a rental application. Satisfactorily complete the job, or the ability to proceed in a timely manner. Bracketed items may also provide directions to you regarding information to be put in the letter of offer or award agreement document.