Confidentiality statement: Position the confidentiality statement near the bottom of the cover sheet or in a footer. A cover sheet contains relevant information about the sender, recipient, and purpose.A fax cover sheet includes a 'Confidential' notice, indicating that the fax is meant solely for the designated recipient. You may fax a document submitted for filing to the Division of Corporations at (518) 474-1418. The word CONFIDENTIAL should be prominently displayed on the fax cover sheet. Use a large font and capitalize all letters for maximum impact. The information contained in this facsimile transmission is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the recipient listed above. Put a bold header at the top of your confidential fax cover sheet, and label it as "Confidential. Get free HIPAA-compliant cover sheet templates here. These templates warn recipients of sensitive content and have the disclaimers needed for HIPAA compliance.