Require, as it deems necessary, the attendance of the Manager at County Council meetings and have the Manager provide such information as may be required. j). An authority may substitute a copy of its annual report for some or all of the summaries required under the terms of this section.Regular Council meetings are held twice monthly on Tuesdays at pm, unless otherwise indicated. Written notice stating the place, day, and hour of any Annual Meeting shall be delivered not less than seven (7) nor more than thirty (30) days before the date. The public may sign up to speak one time for five minutes on any agenda item. The sign-up sheets are in front of the room. The. Notice of Annual Meeting. Interested in working for County Executive Elect-Innamorato? Township Manager to serve as an alternate member on the Board of Directors of the Association, who may attend and vote at Board of Directors meetings in the. Committee officers can rotate on an annual basis.