The forms constitute the bulk of those necessary for the day to day keeping of the corporate formalities in a California corporation. Statements of Information can be filed online at meeting minutes are not filed with our office. California corporate law requires an annual meeting of the shareholders, but there is no requirement for an annual directors meeting. The location and the type of meeting you decide to hold will depend on your company, the matters to be voted on, investor expectations, and company resources. Free Consultation - Call (408) 436-0789 - SAC Attorneys LLP is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in Corporate and Business cases. Per the Corporations Code, associations must hold membership meetings as often as the bylaws specify, but no less often than director elections are required. Many smaller companies may hold in-person meetings in a company conference room or at their outside counsel's office. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION. Out of the series came a decision to push for a new state open meeting law.