This Checklist highlights questions for shareholders to consider in preparation for an AGM. The checklist covers several aspects related to resolutions commonly tabled at AGMs including issues like: The appointment or reappointment of directors.The AGM CG Checklist is meant to guide shareholders on key issues they may need to consider or raise at an AGM before they exercise their voting rights. Here, you will find the documents from Castellum's general meetings and other information related to the Annual General Meeting. An annual general meeting (AGM) is a yearly gathering of a company's interested shareholders. At an AGM, the directors of the company present an annual report. The Board of Carbine Tungsten Limited ("the Company" or "Carbine") is responsible for ensuring good corporate governance and. Chairman's Letter. 3. Review of Operations. 4. The meeting is used for matters which must be dealt with each financial year, such as approval of share capital authorities, the re-election of directors.