How to fill out the Thomas Cook India Limited Annual General Meeting Notice? Seven steps for writing a board resolution, plus a definition, what it's required, how to pass a resolution and FAQs.For the resolutions, statements setting out material facts, notes and instructions, please refer to the notice of Annual General Meeting. 3. This article provides an overview of how and why different types of companies hold annual general meetings and the process they will follow. I am writing to you now with details of the re-convening of the Company's AGM, which will be held at 10.00. a.m. All proposed resolutions on the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting were approved. Recticel will distribute a gross dividend of EUR 0.31 per share. The formal Notice of AGM is set out on the following pages of this document, detailing the resolutions that Shareholders are being asked to vote. MINUTES of a regular public meeting of the Board of Education of. Township High School District Number 203, Cook County,.