Any public body conducting a public meeting covered under Section 105.01 of the County Code may establish rules to regulate its public comment process. The Treasurer shall present a written report at the annual meeting of the organization as to an account of funds received and disbursed.Annual Meeting – The annual meeting of the Society and the election of Directors shall be held on the first Saturday in October. Public panel review meeting will take place the week of September 18, 2023. This Association, an agricultural, non-profit corporation, incorporated under the laws of Ohio, shall be known as the "Cuyahoga County Agricultural Society". We invite you to learn more about our departments, and to reach out to us for no-cost assistance. Any other proper business may be transacted at the annual meeting. These organizations are no longer in good standing and will be unable to apply for future grants until completing pastdue reports. Fill out and return permit application. January Board Meeting. Jan20.