The secretary may prepare and send notices of meetings, prepare the meeting agenda, and obtain information or materials for Association business. HOAs will hold regular monthly and annual meetings that cover a wide range of topics such as financials, property, residential living, and much more.Most businesses, professions, trades, and occupations are assessed a license tax based on gross receipts for the prior year. Annual Meeting Documents: 2023 Annual Meeting, 2022 Annual Meeting, 2021 Annual Meeting. What is the process if I'm opening a new business? First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application. Each year, the Real Estate Assessment Office appraises all real property in the City to determine its value for tax purposes. (d) to transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Please take this Kit with you to the Annual Meeting. Physicians Conference Center, Inova Fairfax Medical Campus. Breadcrumb.