Board resolution definition: A formal and legally binding document for boards to decide on significant corporate matters. These proposals will be included in the company's proxy statement.For instructions on voting during the virtual Annual. An annual meeting of shareholders is held to discuss the needs of the corporation, review the previous year, and—most importantly—elect the directors. Proposal 2: To approve, in an advisory vote, the compensation of our named executive officers as disclosed in the accompanying proxy statement. A corporate resolution is a legal document that outlines actions a board of directors will take on behalf of a corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the HCHA Board of Commissioners adopts the Procurement Policy attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. It is the policy of the Center to encourage membership of all eligible persons who wish to enjoy frequent or regular use of the. SIGNED AND SEALED the 6" day of May, 2024. Secretary, Board of Directors.