Find information for Hennepin Healthcare employees, including access to employee self service, My Learning Center and ServiceNow. We look forward to tonight's meeting because it is a chance for us to share what we've accomplished not within henpen Health Care System alone.Meeting room information for Hennepin County libraries, including public use agreement, how to reserve a room, food and beverages, equipment and furniture. County board meeting schedules, agendas, minutes and videos. See public hearing notices and learn about addressing the board. All Members are Welcome to Attend the Business Meeting Portion of the Evening, No Ticket is Required. Patrons must complete the online room reservation application form and agree to the Meeting Room Public Use Agreement. The Coordinated Entry System is a process that assesses and matches eligible households to housing opportunities. There is no cost to join the Co-op Connections program. If you want your business to be advertised for free, please fill out this form and mail it back to: