The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 This guide will help you file formation documents, get tax identification numbers, and set up your company records.Formal meetings typically occur on Wednesdays and are included on the annual posting notice (PDF). The formal meeting includes action agenda items. The Industrial Development Authority of the County of Maricopa meets the second Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted in the Annual Meeting Notice). The MCCCD Board's business meetings will begin at pm (unless otherwise noted) and are currently being held at: Conference Center at Rio Salado (Main) Welcome to the Official Website of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, where you can find information for residents, visitors and businesses. Prepared plans and specifications should clearly call out only those specific uniform specifications and details required for the project. At the annual organizational meeting, the Board shall elect a President and Secretary. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has partnered with LexisNexis for citizens to obtain vehicle accident reports online.