The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Formal and Informal meetings are open to the public and will proceed under ARS 38-431 The Early Resolution Conference (ERC) is an opportunity for self-represented parties to meet with a Family Law Case Manager who will assist with resolution.Items on the agenda are open for citizen input. Please fill out a card and present it to the City Clerk before the meeting begins. Maricopa CDWID meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at PM at our office 45290 W. Garvey Ave. Meetings are open to the public and we encourage customer input. The Executive Committee consists of seven Regional Council members who are elected at the annual meeting to serve for one year (until the next annual meeting). This report shall be filed with the records of the Local League and entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the Annual Meeting. The primary functional and professional responsibilities of Faculty in instruction, library services, counseling services or academic support. Form No. Instructions: How to Fill Out Papers for Dissolution of a Non-Covenant Marriage (Divorce) without Minor Children, DRDA10I.