The Board of Directors of the Nassau Cerebral Palsy Association will hold their 72 nd Annual Association Meeting on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 7 pm. The decisions can seem endless, budget, location, meeting agenda, food, materials and auto-visual equipment all need to be considered and pre-arranged.One or more members of any committee, including the Executive and Nominating. In completing this form employees will be acknowledging in writing that their second job is subordinate to their employment with Nassau County. You need to fill out a form to be considered for "Poor Person Relief. 4.07 The Board shall hold its annual meeting at p.m. Article VII MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS. The conference calendar for the foreclosure settlement conferences is called in the N.Y.S. Supreme. Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent entity and its employees to efile documents on behalf of a single attorney.