Below is an overview of the steps and stages involved in filing an insurance claim and a personal injury lawsuit in Arizona. Use both paragraphs if both issues are in the case. 3.Under Arizona law, a person who is injured as a result of someone else's negligence may be entitled to compensation for a wide range of losses. Free Personal Injury Case Review. Call (480) 467-4392 or fill out the form below to get your free consultation and discuss your best legal options. In Arizona, personal injury lawsuits are usually filed in the civil court system, and the choice of court will depend on the amount of damages you are seeking. The property damaged or destroyed, the injuries sustained, the pain and suffering endured, the egregiousness of the negligence, these are important factors. Arizona gives an injury victim up to two years to file a claim against a negligent party. Arizona is a comparative negligence state. In Arizona, you can recover personal injury compensation even if you are partly at fault for an accident.