If you experienced a fall in a Cook Out parking lot, proving negligence is essential for pursuing compensation for your injuries. How Long Do You Have to File a Personal Injury Claim in Illinois?We represent workers and bystanders injured due to unsafe conditions, defective equipment, or negligence on the job site. The first step in proving negligence is to establish that the defendant had a duty of care towards the plaintiff. However, the bestdetermining factor is toconsult with a few negligence lawyers and see if any of them willentertain your case for you. This differs from negligence, but the basis for most personal injury claims is negligence. In most accident and injury cases, the issue of fault hinges on a legal concept defined as "negligence" and proving negligence is required in most claims. Most often, personal injury claims are based on the theory of negligence. Contributory fault measures the amount of negligence of both the defendant and the plaintiff in a claim.