As Minnesota's first Level 1 Adult and Pediatric Trauma Center, Hennepin Healthcare is committed to the treatment of trauma patients. Names, phone numbers and addresses of all individuals involved in the crash.If you have questions, please call 651-757-1800 or toll free 1-800-657-3506 and ask to speak with the Medical Review Coordinator. The Medical Examiner (ME) provides death investigative services and forensic autopsy services for deaths that occur in Hennepin, Dakota and Scott counties. The Traumatic Brain Injury Outpatient Program staff diagnose and treat patients experiencing post-traumatic effects of an injury to the brain. Here is a basic understanding of filing a car accident report in Minnesota including statutes and how to find a lawyer. A law enforcement officer who investigates an accident must file a report within ten days of the date of the accident. Whenever a response from police is needed call 911. This is true for all responses, even non-emergencies. As of July 1, 2021, people involved in an accident no longer have to provide a crash report to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.