Write down names, addresses and phone numbers of any witnesses who saw the accident. The O'Connor Law Firm represents injury victims throughout Kings County, including people who have been hurt in car accidents.In our personal injury practice, we have handled motor vehicle accident claims on behalf of drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists. Call 718-332-7766 today for a free consultation. There are several steps you should take if you are injured in a car accident. First, you need to report the accident to local law enforcement. Head injuries: Victims often suffer concussions or a traumatic brain injury in a car accident. By law, police officers must investigate and report motor vehicle crashes involving death or personal injury. FILL OUT OUR CONTACT FORM, OR GIVE US A CALL TODAY AT (800) 635-1683. If you have been in a Panorama car accident, our personal injury lawyer can help get you the money you need to heal.