Trusted Personal Injury Specialist serving Los Angeles, CA. Contact us at 623-469-6626 or visit us at 4300 Crenshaw Blvd. Feel free to print and fill out our forms before your appointment to save you time.We look forward to helping you! Did you suffer an injury due to an auto accident? Los Angeles Disc Center can help treat your injury properly. Call his Los Angeles clinic at (626) 538 – 8950 for your appointment today, and see your life get back on track! Premier Auto Accident and Injury Care Chiropractor. The Department of Health Care Services' (DHCS) Personal Injury (PI) Program seeks reimbursement for services that MediCal paid on behalf of its members. For more information on how insurance claims are handled, you can consult resources like the California Department of Motor Vehicles. This guide discusses what to do after an accident and what to expect when you file a claim with your insurance company.