Com to obtain a copy of your accident report. It is our goal to see all law enforcement personnel complete and submit the crash report electronically into the state crash database.This reporting tool provides a convenient way to submit information regarding a minor vehicle collision and obtain a police report number. Accurately document accidents, facilitate thorough investigations and ensure prompt responses to accidents with our accident report form template. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has partnered with LexisNexis for citizens to obtain vehicle accident reports online. Have a question, concern, comment, or pressing complaint to make? Fill out and submit one of our forms - both English and Spanish versions are available. The Arizona Crash Report training course is a 3 hour session intended to provide law enforcement personnel with a detailed look at all of the required fields. You must file this report with your Instructor no later than ten (10) days after your exposure. 2. Explore Maricopa county of protection Order Forms and find the form that suits your needs.