Facility Information. A UD10 is the "Traffic Crash Report" that the police fill out in Michigan when they are made aware of an car accident that occurred.The Traffic Crash Reporting Unit is responsible for the complete, accurate and timely collection, processing, and compilations of statewide traffic crash data. Wondering when or how to file a police report after a car accident? Our blog provides a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process. The FARS file contains descriptions, in a standard format, of each fatal crash reported. There are regular Accident Forms, which are used when the accident occurs on the roadway and a Deputy takes the information and fills out the form. All forms are in Adobe Portable Document File Format (PDF). Any vehicle, insurance, serial number, or account information that is needed depending on the type of incident report. If you were in a serious car accident in Michigan, it's likely that a police report was filed.