We offer legal representation through all stages of your Montgomery personal injury case, contact a lawyer through our online form or at call us today! Simply fill out the form below, and one of our experienced attorneys will give you real options for how best to move forward with your case.Reach out today for a free, no-obligation consultation. Call us anytime, day or night, at (800) 229-7989 or fill out our online contact form. When you sustain injuries and damages in an accident, let a Montgomery county personal injury lawyer help you seek compensation. The Vance Law Firm specializes in handling personal injury, wrongful death, and product liability lawsuits. At Floyd Hunter Injury Law, we are your trusted Montgomery, Alabama personal injury law firm, dedicated to being your advocate in the pursuit of compensation. Kendall handles product liability, general personal injury and workers' compensation cases involving defective industrial machinery. Connect with a local Montgomery, AL attorney with proven experience helping clients with Alabama personal injury issues. Our california accident attorneys come Second-To-None in the Following Areas of Personal Injury Law.