For DMV questions, call us at 9197157000. Our mailing address is 3101 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-3101.An accident report must be filed 5-30 days after the accident, depending on your state. When reporting car accidents, all law enforcement officers in North Carolina use Crash Report Form DMV349. To submit the DMV-349 form, email the completed document to your local law enforcement agency or fax it to their accident reporting unit. You can appear in person to request your crash report at the DMV Raleigh Headquarters at 1100 New Bern Avenue in Raleigh. North Carolina law says you must call the police when: An accident occurred in a city that requires a report. Any person was injured or killed. A law enforcement officer who responds to an accident scene will complete and file Crash Report Form DMV349. If your car accident meets certain conditions, a police officer will fill out a standard crash report form called the DMV-349.