You have six months from the date of the accident to file a crash report with the BMV if you are involved in a collision with an uninsured driver. When Do You Need to Fill Out a Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report?Complete Your Report as Soon as Possible After the Accident. An accident report must be filed 5-30 days after the accident, depending on your state. When you have to report an accident to the BMV, the BMV can provide you with the requisite form to complete and submit. You will need to complete and submit a BMV 3303 Crash Report to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Ohio law does not require you to file a crash report with the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). An accident report must be filed 5-30 days after the accident, depending on your state. If the accident involved an uninsured driver, then you will need to complete a BMV 3303 crash report and submit it to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. BMV 3303 Ohio Accident Report is used to report to the Ohio Highway Patrol or Police if there is death or injury, a hit and run accident.