To file a claim against the City for bodily injury, auto, and property damage, you must complete the General Claim Form. 267-519-9547 - Get quality post-accidental care and manual therapies at Spinal Care.We are dedicated to providing comprehensive post-injury care to our patients in the Philadelphia, PA area. City supervisors and employees can use these forms and instructions to report injuries, incidents, and accidents. Fill out our convenient online form to get in touch with us today! Call Our Experienced Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyers Today at 215-608-9645. However, if law enforcement is not called to the scene, drivers involved in the crash will need to fill it out and mail it in. Call 800-529-6162 or complete the form. Personal Injury - Philadelphia Accident Lawyer. Bodily Injury Liability: pays for medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and damages for those injured in a car accident where you are liable.