Interrogatory No. 1: State your name and address or principal place of business, date of birth, and social security number. Uniform Personal Injury Interrogatories, AOCLJCV23F.Uniform Contract Interrogatories, AOCLJCV24F. By mail - money order or personal check (with driver's license number written in). I. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. Rule. 1. Interrogatories to Parties. You can show actual injury in a lot of different ways. Detailed itemized Inventory of Property and Debt in a form substantially similar to the court approved form or Rule 97, Arizona Rules of Family Law. In Arizona, most civil actions are instituted in the County Superior Court, which is a Court of general jurisdiction. Attached is the Notice of Claim Form that you will need to fill out and submit if you choose to file a claim against Pima County. 1.