You can report traffic-related problems in your neighborhood using the online Citizen Traffic Concern Form. Using this online citizen police report system allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free.For reporting car accidents in California, you must complete and submit the Report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California, also known as Form SR-1. Involved in a car accident in California? This guide explains how to report the accident and protect your rights. It is not necessary to call the police for every accident. If the cars can pull off to the side of the road and exchange information that is always preferred. Your car accident lawyer can investigate your case and use evidence such as photographs, witness statements, and video footage to prove who's at fault. The best way to get an official car accident report is to call 911 at the scene so that the dispatcher can send a police unit out to do it. For more information on requesting police accident reports or our other services, call (619) 233-5020 or visit our contact page.