Just fill out this quick form. Get your free consultation with one of our doctors and stop living with auto accident injury pain.We accept medical liens, so your road to recovery is easier! San Jose Auto Injury Clinic of Dr. Rafii treats many of the ailments of an auto injury including (Click on a topic below for more information):. To reach our outpatient rehabilitation program, call (408) 559-2377. Recognition. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, QOPT can help provide the relief you need to start feeling better. At Bay Area Auto Accident Injury Treatment Center we analyze, diagnose, and treat the various complexities of whiplash and other auto accident injuries. Car Accident Injury Treatment for Whiplash, Headaches and Migraines and Back Pain. When you have been in a car accident, it is important to have a complete evaluation and treatment plan in place. Your Injury Recovery Allies.