If you are driving in NY and are involved in a crash you must file an MV-104 (Motorist report) if any of the following occurred. Pdf, or at your local precinct or police service area.The first step to completing the mv-104 form is reading the instructions provided on page 2 starting with section a labeled vehicle involvement. Report of Accidents. The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person, or damage to property. For ALL PERSONS INVOLVED in the accident, list their names and addresses and fill in Boxes 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. When reporting an incident, use the following forms: Accident Report Form SF91: Must be filled out for all accidents. Provided a Motorist Report form to complete and submit to IDOT. Decrease in Travel Lanes. 4. Rest Area Related. 5.