This packet contains information and forms you will need to register your business with the Division of Revenue and. Enterprise Services (DORES).I understand that the regulations stated above require an applicant for licensure to list all executives, managers, persons or entities having direct. It arrays in a proper and dignified manner the important facts regarding the ancestry, personal careers and matrimonial alliances of those who, in each. If you're still struggling with consent just imagine instead of initiating sex you're making them a cup of tea. Compliance Reviews and Spot Checks (Continued). The above mentioned Scheme, if approved at the Tribunal Convened Meeting, will be subject to the subsequent approval and order of the NCLT. Welcome Middlesex Water Company Investors. Our online tools allow shareholders to complete any tasks digitally. The Division receives payments consisting of payments directly from taxpayers sent in response to the notification, as well as from the FMS as a.