The intention of this letter is to provide consent for a minor child to travel without the company of both legal parents. How do I write a consent letter for my child to travel?What must I write in a child's travel consent form? If children are not travelling with both their parents, (ie: if they are travelling alone, or with another adult), this form can be used to give permission. I was preparing documents and someone told me that I might need minor travel consent form since I am not leaving. The application process for children, under 18 years of age, is provided on the Welcome. Letter in the "MATP Application Packet for Minors. This file provides detailed information about the Child Travel Consent Form, including who needs it and how to fill it out. If children are not travelling with both their parents, (ie: if they are travelling alone, or with another adult), this form can be used to give permission. I expect to see an exponential rise in protests about factchecking in the future.