You should notify the old school in writing that you are withdrawing your child and indicate the exact date of last attendance. Next, clearly state your child's name and the school they are leaving.Eligible employees may take up to 12 workweeks of leave in a 12-month period per federal law. You may request in writing that your child be excused from comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education. Legally, you need to live there with established residency and re-verify your address every year. The school district may need to address real and urgent social issue in a child's life, such as family abuse or neglect. The school district may need to address real and urgent social issue in a child's life, such as family abuse or neglect. The purpose of this form is to formally notify the school district of a child's withdrawal from public school. The following documents in the Welcome Packet will include: Welcome Letter, Child Care Agreement(s), the Participation. School Mascot: Comets.