You have to have an adult pick the child up from school. In high school, you are permitted to do this with a note, and they may call to double check with you.Ask the court for custody, visitation, child support, and medical support orders when you are not getting divorced and paternity has been established. A grandparent who is handling the major decisions for a grandchild may want to ask the court for legal custody of the child. III. A child has a right to frequent, continuing and meaningful contact with both parents, as appropriate, under Missouri law. To outline the conditions under which an employee of the Franklin Public Schools may request time off without pay for medical reasons or to provide family care. Kid staying with Grandparents for the Weekend - Leave Signed Note? Ask the court clerk or your lawyer for guidance on length. Downloadable template and sample letter to a judge. The rules and regulations of the residency requirements specify that the burden of proof is on the student.