I am writing to share my reasons for leaving the school and offer some suggestions for adjustments that could benefit future students. Next, clearly state your child's name and the school they are leaving.How do I fill this out? To fill out this sample withdrawal letter, first replace the information in brackets with your specific details. Requests for your child to be allowed out of school should be sent prior to the appointment. The reason the leave is being requested; The quarter in which the student plans to resume taking courses at Harris; The new anticipated graduation quarter. Parents and carers are requested to notify the school of any absence for every day of their child's absence. If a Headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for the Headteacher to determine the length of time that the child can be away from the school. Harris Middle School Band Program. If your child is interested in becoming a band member, please fill out the form on page seven and return it to Mr.