A child travel consent form allows a minor to travel alone or with another person or group. A child travel consent form is strongly recommended if a child travels alone, with only one parent or an authorized adult.A minor (child) travel consent form shows that a child has permission to travel without both parents or legal guardians. If children are not travelling with both their parents, (ie: if they are travelling alone, or with another adult), this form can be used to give permission. A child travel consent form is a legal document proving that a child has received permission to travel, either alone or with an adult. Minor travel consent form giving partental authorization for child to travel with another person or only one parent. Complete this sentence in the box below: "My child is traveling to . A notarized letter of consent is a crucial requirement when traveling with minors without both parents or guardians. There's no required format for a letter of consent to travel with one parent, so adjust the samples as you see fit. Include a legal disclaimer stating that the form is not an admission of liability or wrongdoing on the part of the parent, legal guardian, or authorized adult.