I would get a notarized letter stating the grandparents have permission to act as medical surrogates in your absence. My son is staying with his grandparents (my parents) for 4 days next weekend while we go out of town.It's a pdf file that can be adapted to your specific situation. It is a good idea to leave a permission note for the kids for things like taking them to the dr for an ear infection. It's for all you parents who are grieving the loss of a child to suicide or those who are attempting to support grieving family and friends. We could get it in writing that our parents had consent to make medical decisions for Booboo while we were out of town. In North Carolina, grandparents rights exist under two circumstances: 1) right to child custody and 2) right to grandparent visitation. For example, you could say that you've taken a leave of absence due to a family matter or a family medical situation. This love has been a surprise — and the most precious gift of my late life. The same is true if the child was left in the grandparents care so the parent could seek work or attend school.