Downloadable forms for eFiling, Divorces, and Suites Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship, Child Support, Hail Claims, Legal, LegalEase, and Passports. Waiver and Release It is very important that you read this form and write the statement indicated legibly in the space provided then sign.A copy of the registered owner's valid U.S. State issued Driver License or Personal Identification Card or Federal Identification is required. The PARTIES are authorized to make this AGREEMENT which is intended to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Parties in completing the PROJECT. III. FORM OF PROPOSAL: Proposals shall be submitted on the prescribed form included in the Proposal Documents. Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. Direct Deposit Authorization Form (1TAC 55.803). This form is used to set up direct deposit for child support payments. Responsible for completing a SEMAP Report for the Housing Choice Voucher Department. Prior authorization (PA) is needed for some outpatient care, out-of-network providers and planned hospital admissions.