In order to make a bank authorization letter, it's important to empower someone with bank relates issues, for example in taking collecting or sign on documents. This form is used to specify required information regarding payments from the City of.How Do I Write a Credit Card Authorization Letter? Authorization letters are formal letters that empower somebody else to take actions on your behalf. This letter, addressed to an institutional representative, allows the bank to know that the person holding the letter is operating with your permission. All applications and filing fees for the Bureau of Banks and Trust Companies must be submitted to the Springfield office for processing. Bank of America provides notary services free of charge in all financial centers. Schedule an appointment and learn what is needed for a notarization. Forms and Documents, Open Solicitations, Diversity Contract Requirements, Vendor Contracts, Helpful Resources, For Housing Developers, Hire CHA Residents. At least 3 points of documents establishing the Applicant's identity and one document proving residency in the City of Chicago.