If you'd like to authorize someone else to handle money in your bank account, most banks give several options. The FDIC may be able to assist you in obtaining a lien release if the request is for a customer of a failed bank that was placed into FDIC receivership."It is impractical to obtain the signature of the President and Treasurer or Cashier. Probate is a legal proceeding where assets are transferred from a deceased individual (commonly referred to as the "Decedent") to living persons or entities. Banks may refuse to open an account or halt a business relationship if the client fails to meet minimum KYC requirements. KYC. A letter of authority allows a bank to release account information to your auditor. Find out how to submit a letter of authority to Lloyds Bank. • Health Care – Cook County established the nation's first blood bank in 1937. Legislative declaration. The Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) works to reduce and return vacant land and abandoned buildings back into reliable and sustainable community assets.