A copy of the registered owner's valid U.S. State issued Driver License or Personal Identification Card or Federal Identification is required. A special power of attorney letter grants another person the authority to act on your behalf, so it's essential to ensure that it's properly drafted.Please complete this printable form online or write legibly in blue or black ink ONLY, within the lines provided. A Letter of Authorization (LOA) must contain the following information: Letter must be on company letterhead. Original signatures are required, only black or blue ink are acceptable, and no alterations are allowed on this form. A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to appoint an individual or individuals to represent you before the department. Effective January 1, 2014, the Supreme Court of Texas mandated that all attorneys must electronically file court documents in the Harris County Probate Courts. Here, learn about Texas' different types of powers of attorney, including general, limited, durable, springing, and medical powers of attorney. Provides guidance for applicants assigning Power of Attorney to another person. "(Personalized Seal)" in the following examples means a seal containing the words "Notary Public, State of Texas" around a star of five points, the notary.