If you need a registration hold release, please call the dedicated registration hold line at (877) 754-1431. PAY HERECheck Registration Status.THEA owns, maintains, and operates the Selmon Expressway, the Brandon Parkway, Meridian Avenue, and the Selmon Greenway. SAMHSA's SOAR program increases access to Social Security disability benefits for eligible children and adults who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Steps for School Registration 1. Find your school using the school locator. The DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) list contains homeland security related acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that can be found in DHS documents. Hillsborough New Jersey Monday - Friday - 908.369. 4313 379 South Branch Road Hillsborough, NJ 08844 " Lolo; town in Missoula County, Montana, meaning, in the Nez Perce" language,.