Access Control maintains mechanical and electrical door locking hardware and provides key cuttings services for doors, desks, and file cabinets. Please fill out this form electronically.You can save data typed into this form. The sole purpose of this form is to authorize the above named representative to complete the transaction indicated. Below you will find our authorization form template that you may copy fill out on your computer and print. To complete the application, you will need the following documentation: Sole owner's Social Security number. We are a full-service mobile locksmith business with more than 16 years of experience. If you need to copy an existing key, simply bring it to our office, and our technicians can make you an exact duplicate in a matter of minutes. Apportioned registration, also known as the International Registration Plan (IRP), lets you obtain registration credentials in one jurisdiction. You will have to go to your local USPS office, fill out the new keys replacement form and pay the fee.