The signer need not sign in the notary's presence but must personally appear before the notary and state that the signature on the document is his or hers. This online service allows you to either: (1) apply for a new Notary Public Commission; (2) renew a Notary Public Commission; (3) add Electronic Notary.This article and video will show Notaries to fill out each part of a notarial certificate, and common mistakes to avoid. Be filled out in its entirety; 2. Following is a checklist for completing the Illinois Notary Public Application and surety bond. An applicant for appointment must: (1) be a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence; (2) be a resident of the State. Ensure that all the fields are completed or your application may be rejected. Hover over each highlighted letter for details on each field. Notary needs to see ID of person who is going to sign a document and record the ID in a log, and needs to see the UNSIGNED document. Illinois Notary Public Handbook –