Intheblanks form authorizing a filing agent to efile documents on behalf of an individual attorney. Supreme Court Civil Term - IAS Part 2.I have a credit on my account; can I use this for a commuter meal plan or to purchase items from the Tornado Alley Shoppe? Refunds may be issued to a student when there is credit balance on their account resulting from overpayment, course withdrawal, excess financial aid funds, etc. Step 1: Complete the taxpayer information section. I don't have to write to anyone or ask anyone's permission, nor do I have to tell them WHY I want the money. You must be in good academic standing at King's University College, Western University. Apply to any SUNY college or university through one easy form. Do I have a grace period to stay in the U.S.? It took me another 7 calls and 3-4 hours to figure out how to find it and fill it.