This article will explain the authorization letter format and also give you authorization letter samples for your reference. To exhibit this, Royal Sire, in a most extensive view, What is the reason of the nation being divided, and the one half at war with the other?If you are fundraising for a charity, they will need to provide you with a Charity Authorisation letter, which you will submit as part of your fundraising form. This authorization letter allows Mr. Joseph Ocampo to claim the scholar payout on behalf of his daughter, Christine Joy M. Ocampo. For those who wish to communicate directly with The King, the following style is used: The letter should begin 'Sir', 'Madam' or 'May it please Your Majesty'. To exhibit this, Royal Sire, in a most extensive view, What is the reason of the nation being divided, and the one half at war with the other? In the body of the letter alternate between 'Your Majesty' and 'Your Majesty's' and 'you' and 'your'. Ensure that you specify the item or document being claimed. King asks, "But is this a logical assertion?