Letter of Authority for Passport Pickup. How do I fill this out?Please note that the representative is required to bring in original proof of their identity for verification purposes as well as original Invoice-cum-receipt. Can't collect your passport in person? Learn how to draft a letter of authorization, allowing someone else to pick it up for you. Frequently Requested Forms, Civil Court Forms, Criminal Court Forms, Family Court Forms, Financial Forms, Probate Court Forms, Specialty Court Forms. Frequently Requested Forms, Civil Court Forms, Criminal Court Forms, Family Court Forms, Financial Forms, Probate Court Forms, Specialty Court Forms. The Department's Concealed Weapons Permit Unit (CWPU) is responsible for issuing concealed carry permits to qualified individuals. You may complete the voter registration form now, but you may not sign any petition or vote in any election until you reach your 18th birthday. A foreign passport with a United States visa.