Apply for your trucking authority. If you are already registered with FMCSA, but wish to add an operating authority, you can register using a form and a check via US Mail.For-hire Motor Carrier's must obtain MN Operating Authority, unless exempted (see Exemptions below). Read the instructions before completing this form. MCS150 forms can ONLY be used to update a USDOT number, not for initial registration with FMCSA. It's the letter from FMCSA with the date your authority went active and what authority was granted. Complete and send in Form MCDPAP, Motor Carrier Direct Pay Application. If you qualify, we will send you an MCDP authorization letter. Companies may find that they are subject to both registration requirementsUSDOT Number (Forms MCS150, MCS150A, MCS150B)and Interstate. Complete and send in Form MCDP-AP, Motor Carrier Direct Pay Application.